13 October 2012

Frequency Cannon - Sound Cloud Link

Hey peeps, We uploaded both of our singles on Soundcloud. Check it out below. http://soundcloud.com/frequencycannon --FCannon...

01 November 2010


Frequency Cannon's new Single HOPE is now online. Please have a listen and let us know what you think. Rawk on!! www.facebook.com/frequencycannon...

31 October 2010


Hey all, how's everyone doing? Just to let you know, we're finally getting back into what we enjoy doing. We're releasing our new single "Hope" exclusively on Facebook tomorrow (1st Nov 2010) at 9pm Malaysian Time (GMT+8). Please support us. Tell us what you think of "Hope". We would love to hear your feedback. This one goes out to all our fans out there. Catcha guys soon   ...

17 August 2010

Happy Fasting From Frequency Cannon

Hey all, Frequency Cannon wishes all their Muslims selamat berpuasa. As usual, during Ramadan everything slows down in terms of activity. So check back once the Raya holiday is over. Everyone is busy shopping for baju melayu, kuih raya etc. Also, Azrul intends to keep a healthy diet this year round by passing all his kuih raya to Kuachee & Keng. Till then. Happy Fast...

08 June 2010

Song writing and jamming

Hey guys. Finally had some time to update. Easier with all of us using iPhone. Here we are doing what we enjoy doing. We're testing the update of blogs using our phones so sorry if it's a bit short. Take it easy guys - Posted using BlogPress from my iPh...

23 May 2010

SCREAM in PEACE tour - postphoned

Just a quick note, FC would like to apologized to all their fans for postponing the SCREAM IN PEACE nationwide tour that was supposed to have kick off in May 2010. As the previous post mentioned, FC has some things to settle from their end before they can resume their live shows. We will update more on that when time permits us. For now, just enjoy the album in the confort of your own home. =P Kidding.. We shall be back real soon .. Watch this space. Rawk on!...

Story so far

Hi all, sorry for the long silence. The boys are in a dilemma as the nationwide tour SCREAM in PEACE was planned in May – July 2010. However, due to reasons we’re not allowed to mention in detail. The boys have decided to pull out from the tour for now and push it to a later date sometime this year. They have decided to leave  the dates hanging for now until they have sorted out on their priorities. If things go well, we should see more updates in the coming months.   In the meantime, the FC boys have decided to hit the studios and work on new materials. Watch this space for updates. Please be patient while we sort out our priorities.   Here’s the boys messing around with some new ideas in the studio.  Cheers  ...

07 March 2010

Music TV Series

Frequency cannon was involved in the shooting of this series....watch the trailer! spread the news to everyone! Sam kuman rocks man :) img alt="" galleryimg="no" onload="var downlevelDiv = document.getElementById('c5ffc5a2-b6ad-4ba8-8fb4-25d08b0b13fe'); downlevelDiv.innerHTML = "";" src="http://lh6.ggpht.com/_cOH8JzoxeCk/S5SC0XfwmKI/AAAAAAAABXg/1Lr34ustRAo/video3aa33951ae67%5B6%5D.jpg?imgmax=800" style="border-style: none">...

16 February 2010

Playlist 7

Hey All, just wanted to say thanks for voting and because of your support, Frequency Cannon is now one of the 7 Featured Artist for this week!  Being a Featured Artist means that our song will be included in a Playlist 7 that will be available to all fans, friends and followers of Microsoft Windows on Myspace, Facebook and Twitter. Rock on! ...

10 February 2010

HELP needed! DOWNLOAD Now.

Hey guys. Need your help..Please help Frequency Cannon by downloading "Fame N Glory" at Reverbnation Playlist 7 by clicking the link below...Appreciate it   http://www.reverbnation.com/playlist7?artist_id=415324...

07 February 2010

NEW gig video uploaded

Hey guys, Here’s a short clip of FC and their song “2nd Chance” & “Can U?” for their show on 6th Feb 2010. It was held at Sunway Convention Center & the crowd was just rocking! Basically, they belted out a 50 minutes set, but only managed to record this clip. The video guy decided to drop his video cam and join the crowd. Can’t blame him. Enjoy. Rawk on! &nb...

06 February 2010

Frequency Cannon - Gig 2010

Will upload the video later on.. Innovage Annual Dinner Venue : Sunway Convention Centre Date : 06 February 2010 ...

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